• Spirit Awareness Healing

Having worked on yourself through out the Awaken course you have taken a deeper journey within. This has been shifting at your core and you will have felt much transformation at soul level, and observed these shifts 'play out' and taking place within your life.

By embracing the 'lessons' from the Awaken course you will have created change within your life and made stronger choices that is in alignment to your authentic self.

The Ascend course is about working with the Higher Energy system, bringing through more profound conscious ascension & channelling.

Your journey into BEING is now becoming more natural, as is also the collective awareness. 'Stepping up', following your passion, making a difference in this world and embracing the empowerment will become your calling!

This part of the High Dimension®Awakened Healing Programme brings together everything energetically and you will, if you choose continue beyond to create incredible life changing choices, deep conscious experiences and actively participate in your continued spiritual journey.

NOTE: Prerequisite to join this level: Completion of the Raising Vibration.. Working in the New Energies workshop, the Foundation level & the Awaken level.